Saturday, July 24, 2021

Capital 02: Chapters 1 & 2

Our discussion of the first two chapters of Capital. Since it's a decent sized group we have two meetings each week and people attend whichever works for them. We'll be reading about 60-70 pages a week. If you're interested in starting a local reading group and discussing with us, or interested in any other communication please reach out to


Monday, July 12, 2021

Capital 1: Introduction & Forewords

This was the first few meetings of a reading group for Capital. It includes an introduction meeting (where some had read the introduction and some hadn't) and two meetings on the introduction and forewords. Since it's a decent sized group we have two meetings each week and people attend whichever works for them. We'll be reading about 60-70 pages a week. If you're interested in starting a local reading group and discussing with us, or interested in any other communication please reach out to


Capital 02: Chapters 1 & 2

Our discussion of the first two chapters of Capital. Since it's a decent sized group we have two meetings each week and people attend wh...